Convo Starter

In the disturbing scene from Rosemary's Baby where Rosemary eats the raw liver her demon baby is craving, there's a reason Mia Farrow looks so distraught... it's real raw liver.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Let’s Kiss and Make Up. It’s Valentine’s Day!

Ok, let’s not beat around the bush. It’s Valentine’s Day. Whether you love it or hate it (resent it more like?), it’s the time of year to celebrate the love, unrequited or otherwise. So, in honor of long forgotten Christian martyrs named St. Valentine, here’ s a list of films that have gotten me through a few of the most alternately beloved and dreaded holidays.
Just Friends: Name of the game here is, as yet, unrequited love. Guy loves girl and girl is blissfully unaware of what’s right in front of her despite his constant and fruitless attempts to woo her.  And it’s a comedy so you won’t cry but instead get that sappy sort of smile and then, when everyone (ehem, your boyfriend) turns to you with disgust in their eyes, make sure to shrilly proclaim “Aww no, I thought it was cute! Ok it was a little dumb but it wasn’t that bad.” But secretly you love it. We all do. No judgment. Also see such gems as Made of Honor, My Best Friend’s Wedding, pretty much the entire series of The Office or, well, anything with Sandra Bullock.
The Notebook: Yea, you’ve seen it. You cried the first time. You’ve cried every time since. If you believe (or are looking to believe) in True Love and Soulmates, you are ready to go. Just see this one with your girlfriends. And if you’re a heterosexual lady and your man shows actual, genuine interest in this, you may want to do a little reconsidering.  Or maybe he’s just a sensitive soul. Or maybe he just figures he’ll get some nice post movie sex afterwards.
Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet:  So ok, it’s not The Notebook but you’ll probably have the same reaction. You’ve got the very best part of the True Love movies and then suddenly when no one’s looking, they pull the rug out from under you. Get a visual of yourself gripping a handful of soggy tissues and whispering “… but…. Why? Why? Why didn’t they just wait a second longer? Why!!??” Also see City of Angels (several songs by Peter Gabriel, come on people), Sweet November or Nights in Rodanthe.
Annie Hall: If you fancy yourself an intellectual who counts among their interests discussing world religions over sips of non dairy lattes while resting your Peruvian hand-knit mittens on the corner table at your local organic NY coffee shop, get ready to pick this one apart. Woody Allen takes us on an interspersed chronicle of his relationship with Diane Keaton. Not your classic chick-flick, rom-com, Woody charms us as only he can. Check out Up In The Air for an interesting slash possibly depressing takes on romance.
Sabrina: A classic. Just lovely, start to finish. The original is a pairing of Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart as the classic “hate each other, like each other, true love.” And, though I am loathe to admit this, the remake starring Harrison Ford and Julia Ormond is wonderful as well. Also check out, Pride and Prejudice or When Harry Met Sally (same vibe, different periods).
Valentine: A slasher flick starring Denise Richards in a red bikini. If you feel like showing your boyfriend a little mercy this holiday season, it’s…not horrible. Also check out Fatal Attraction, Sleeping with the Enemy, What Lies Beneath or Unfaithful (if, you know, murderous, obsessive relationships are your sort of romance.)

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